Friday, November 13, 2009

PACKS AND MASKS - Contd(2)....

It is wonderful to relax at this time, and even doze off. It may take ten to fifteen minutes for the pack to dry, depending on the type of pack you use and what the weather is like. Now remove the pack gently, keeping your eyes closed, so that the pack does not get into your eyes.
Then wipe off with a wet face towel in sideway directions. Do not use upward and straight movements to remove your pack. Wash your face well with plenty of water, to remove every trace of the pack. Dab-dry your face and neck with a clean, soft towel.
Now apply a few drops of rose water or skin tonic all over. It will be to your advantage if you do not use make-up directly, for your skin with breathe freely, for some time. But if you have to go out, you could apply make-up soon after a pack.

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