Friday, December 25, 2009

For Ever-Young Face

Never allow your skin to feel or get dry, specially in the area which is prone to lines and wrinkles. Avoid using too much soap over these areas , and instead use cleaning milk or a cleansing cream to remove the make-up and dirt. Then wash with ordinary water , but never use very cold or very hot water for this kind of skin.
Use a heavy night cream containing lanolin on these areas, patting it on rather than massaging it in any direction, as that would further stretch the skin. If a good night cream is not available, then use a cold cream to which is added one ounce of pure lanolin, two drops of almond oil and four drops of Vitamin A and D. This would give you a very good nutrient cream. For the day using any make-up to prevent any natural moisture being lost dry, as there is a lot of moisture in the atmosphere.
Extremely dry and cold weather dries up the skin, as you have must noticed, so take the utmost care of your skin at that time of the year. Add a little fat to your diet if you have an extremely dry skin. As you know very well, the areas which show lines faster are those under the eyes , around the mouth, and those where frown lines and neck lines appear.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Beauty Recipes - Contd...

Dry Skin Cream:
To your favourite cold cream add half an ounce of lanolin and 1 teaspoon of almond-Oil. Lotion well, and use as night cream.If you want your hand and body lotion to be rich, add some almond-oil to it and use all over the body.

Add a little night cream to your moisturizer to make it heavy and rich.

Body Massage Oil:
Mix equal quantities of oilver-oil, castor-oil, almond-oil and baby oil, and use it as an all-purpose massage oil.

Henna to Darken the Hair:
Mix 2 cups of henna powder in one cup of hot coffee water, and add half a teaspoon of lemon-juice to the paste. Apply all over the scalp covering your hair. Keep on for half an hour to one hour, then wash off and shampoo.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Beauty Recipes

Herbal Hair-wash:
Soak 2 tablespoons of shikakai powder and 2 tablespoons of ritha powder overnight in a cup of water. Strain next morning, and use the water as a shampoo.
To Prevent Premature Greying: Soak cut-and-dryed olive fruit in suffficient water overnight, and in a utensil made of iron. Next morning, sieve the mixture and use the water as a rinse after the shampoo.

Lanolin Cream:
Melt 150 grams of pure lanolin in a double cooker, and add 150 grams of distilled water to it. Take 100 grams of almond-oil and add a drop at a time into the mixture. Whip and mix well. You will be delighted to get a white spray cream, which is excellent for dry and cracked skins.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


1. Remove the nail-varnish completely.
2. Cut your toe-nails to the desired length. Make sure that they are not long, if you are going to wear closed shoes. However, with an open sandal you can wear them slightly longer Use a good nail-cutter to trim your nails with.
3. File the nails into a shape which is suitable for the toes. Do not have them pointed. It is best to file the nails straight, and slightly rounded off at the ends.
4. Soak toes in a basin of hotwater for 10 minutes. If the feet need a lot of cleaning, then add 3 table spoons of ordinary hair shampoo to the hot water before soaking them in it.
5. After that, scrub your feet throughtly with a pumicestone, and the toes with an old, discarded hair-brush.
6. Apply cuticle-remover with an orange-wood stick all alsong the cuticle, and push the skin back gently to remove the dead cuticle which grows inside. Dont forget to clean under the nail too.
7. Use hot olive-oil to massage your toe-nails and heels for about five minutes.
8. Wash and dry your feet thoroughly.
9. Use a good body lotion to massage your feet, leaving out the nails.
Separate the toes from each other with a swab of cotton-wool, so that the nail-varnish, when applied, should not get smudged. Apply the nail-varnish carefully and let it dry before you step into your footwear.

Thursday, December 10, 2009



1. Do use a good hand lotion as a matter of habit, when dressing up and going out.
2.Use a good hand cream every time you wash your hands.
3. It will be a good idea to keep your hand lotion handy in the bathroom, so that you have no excuse to make for not using it that often.
4. Do keep your nail-file, nail-cutter and a pair of nail-scissors clean, to prevent any infection.
5. Do keep your nail-file separately, so that it is not uysed by one and all.
6. Do keep changing nail-varnish at least once a week, and let your nails breathe for the night. Use fresh nail-varnish the next morning. Otherwise your nails will become stained permanently.
7. Do take time to dry your nail-varnish, and dont put your hands in water for one hour after that.
8 Do have a professional manicure at tleast once in a month.

Friday, December 4, 2009

HAND CARE - Don'ts

We all know that hands are as important as a well-done-up face and beautiful hair. We all talk with our hands, and if they are cracked, wiuth broken nails, they will ruin an otherwise perfect picture of a well-grommed personality. More than that, your hands tell a tale. They are meant to be used, and care has to be taken that the skin on the hands remains soft and moist after all those household chores-washing, cutting vegetables, cooking and handling house hold gadgets.


1. Do not put your hands in very hot water, and then in cold water.
2. Do not leave your hands too long in detergents.
3. Do not leave your hands hanging, as a habit, as this willencourage heay veins.
4. Do not leave your hands wet. Always use a good hand lotion after each wash.
5. If you think your hand lotion is not rich enough, then mix a bit of night cream into it.
6. Do not handle rough things without adequate protection to your hands and nails.
7. Do not use hair dyes without wearing gloves.
8. Do not peel off your nail varnish with nails or with a nail file.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Mix together the yolk of an egg, a teaspoon of almond oil, and a teaspoon of milk cream. This is excellent for treating a very dry skin.


Grind ten almonds to a paste and mix into a teaspoon of curd. Use this pack to remove a bit of your tan and also to soften skin. Also use this pack when the skin is tanned dry.


Fuller’s earth, brewer’s yeast, rose water-mix a little of each of these three ingredients to form 2 tablespoons of paste. This mask is very useful and nourishes the skin.


Mix one tablespoon of milk powder with one teaspoon of gram flour and 2 tablespoons of rose water. This is a very effective mask for both dry and normal skins.

Friday, November 20, 2009



Rub a piece of saadalwood on a clean stone, using a bit of rose water or cucumber juice. Soon you will find a paste being formed. This pack will give you a tinging, fresh feeling, and will discourage pimples also.


Mix 2 tablespoons of gram flour and 4 tablespoons of milk in a clean container or an empty cream jar, and apply all over your face, leaving the area around the eyes and lips. Leave it on for 5 minutes, and then wash. This is also an excellent pack for a dry skin.


Mix 2 tablespooons of honey with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of rosewater and apply and apply over the face. Leave it on for five minutes, then wash off. This pack helps to bleach the skin, as well as keep the pores tight.


Add cucumber juice to any face pack such as gram flour, kaolin, Fuller’s earth and milk powder, and form a soft paste. This is a very gentle astringent pack, which tightens the pores.

Friday, November 13, 2009

PACKS AND MASKS - Contd(2)....

It is wonderful to relax at this time, and even doze off. It may take ten to fifteen minutes for the pack to dry, depending on the type of pack you use and what the weather is like. Now remove the pack gently, keeping your eyes closed, so that the pack does not get into your eyes.
Then wipe off with a wet face towel in sideway directions. Do not use upward and straight movements to remove your pack. Wash your face well with plenty of water, to remove every trace of the pack. Dab-dry your face and neck with a clean, soft towel.
Now apply a few drops of rose water or skin tonic all over. It will be to your advantage if you do not use make-up directly, for your skin with breathe freely, for some time. But if you have to go out, you could apply make-up soon after a pack.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


DIRECTIONS : (Contd..)

  1. 5.Your face is now ready for the pack. Apply the paste (which you have made in a clean, empty cream container or a small, clean cup). You should choose your pack after going through the beauty recipes, and find out which suits your skin as well as the climate in which you use it. Make sure that when you apply the pack you leave out the area around the eyes, lips and ears, as the pack will be of no use if applied there. Also remember to cover your neck(both in front and at the back.) For the purpose of applying the pack, use either a bit of cotton – wool or a swab-stick(which you can make yourself, like the one used for painting the throat).

It is better to lie down while the pack is drying. One should not talk, as any facial movement will stretch the skin. Besides, the pack will come off faster from around the mouth than the rest of the face, although this is the area which needs the pack most as pores, pimples or backheads form in this particular park of the face. So, for the best effect, lie down silently with your eyes closed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



Since a pack has ben advised in many skin-care directions, it will not be out of place to explain how a face pack or a mask is used properly to get the maximum results. And that applies to all kinds of packs and masks. The difference between a pack and a mask is that packs are normally a mixture of many ingredients, and also do not harden on the face so much as the mask, whereas a mask can be made from one ingredient, is applied in a thick layer, and hardens on the skin after drying. Both are equally effective, but generally, older girls and women shuld use masks for better results.


  1. 1. Tie your hair away frm the face, and put a towel around your neck to prevent the pack paste trickling down to your clothes.
  2. 2. Clean your face with good cleansing milk and wipe off with a facial tissue.
  3. 3. Now wash your face with ordinary water,and dab-dry it with a towel.
  4. 4. Apply the face cream all over the face and the neck, and, if you have time, massage for 5 minutes. Then wipe off with a hot, wet towel and dabdry your face with a clean towel.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

YOUR EYEBROWS - Do's & Don'ts


1. To begin with, take a mascara brush and brush your eyebrows to their natural shape.
2. Always tweeze from below.
3. Take out one hair at a time, using a little spirit over the area to be tweezed.
4.To start with, remove hair from the ridge of the nose.
5. Normally, the distance beywwen the two eyebrows should be equal to the width of your eye.
6. Use eyebrow pencil if needed.
7. Keep your eyebrows tidy, once you have started.
8. The normal shape of the eyebrow should be a tapering one: thicker at the beginning, and thinning down gradually.

1. Do not overdo. Once removed, a hair cannot be put back immediately.
2. Do not have your eyebrows far apart if you happen to have a big and broad nose.
3. Do not start pluking inside the eyebrows. Start from below, moving up by tweezing one hair at a time.
4. Do not use scissors, but regular brushing will bring your eyebrows to the desired shape.
5. Do not ever tweeze your eyebrows to a pencil-thin shape.
6. Do not use a hair remover to shape your eyebrows.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


As you already aware , your espressive features are the eyes and the eyebrows. your moods and thoughs are reflected through them. The eyebrows frame yours eyes. They can be made to look very attractive and perfect, even if they are not, as you can have the shape changed to your advantage. They can be more shapely and can correct some of the other features of your face such as a broad nose, closed-in eyes, a very long face, a broad face if you merely select the desired shape to create an optical illusion of perfect features.

Eye-brow shaping is not as simple as most of you would think it to be. Seek the advice of beauty experts specially trained to deal with different faces, to tell you what exactly will suit you. Believe me, the pencil-thin eyebrows drawn on the face are not the doings of beauty experts, but of the novices who, after hearing or reading of them, have decided to change the shape of their eyebrows, not knowing the do's and donts' involved.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Some Beauty Aids

Our cosmetics industry has developed a great deal to meet the challenges posed to it nowadays. It caters to all kinds of skins. Lakme cleansing milk is good for all skins. Maxfactor products are also moving very fast ahead. Their moisturizer and cold cleansing cream is about the best available. For dry skins , Maxfactor dry skin cream is very good. Baby johnson too has some very good products- baby oil, soap, and skin lotion.

For make-up and general purposes maxfactor, lakme, and gala can be trusted. Elizza's Roll-on deodorant is very effective two. Belizza hot wax is effective and safe. With regard to soaps the ordinary ones freely available in the market are the best. So do not use an over-medicated or an over - enriched soap.
Ordinary shampoos too are the safest. Use a talcum that is not highly perfumed. Max factor have a whole range of perfumes to offer in their talcum powders.

Friday, October 2, 2009

HAIR PROBLEM - Contd..(2)

Falling Hair
It has to be seen if this is a periodical or a seasonal phenomenon. If so, there is nothig to worry. In the natural course, a new hair replaces the old, but falling hair would be a matter of concern only if it were connected with certain health problems or emotional disturbances.

Lanky Hair
If you have been dieting and exposing your hair to a lot of sunshine and dry winds, yours hair can become lanky. Check on these points and follow the procedure mentioned above for dry hair.

Rough Hair
Usually, thick hair are coarse. one has to know how best one can manage this hair. Regular brushing and the use of large rollers for setting it into the style you want, will give you the best results.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Dry Hair:
Normally a dry scalp leads to dry hair, but sometime because of a change in a change in the climate, a change in hte hair preparations or in the use of a very strong shampooor hair spray, the hair turns dry. Very often,hair dyes leave the hair dry if hair conditioners are not used. Sometimes after a fever of a cold your hair may look dull and dry, but it soon returns to normalcy when you are up and about.

Massage your scalp with olive-oil and wrap a hot, wet towel round your hair for ten minutes. Then shampoo your hair in the normal way, after whipping the yoke of an egg into the amount of shampoo you are going to use. Avoid using hair Spary for some time; drink a lot of milk and try to eat more fish, eggs and butter every day. Brush your hair very carefully, as dry hair tend to turn brittle.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Oily Dandruff:
This is a very common sight and can be prevelent at any time of the year. It could be the result of an oily or a dry scalp. If this dandruff is caused by over-oilness then shampoo your hair twice a week with warmish water, adding two teaspoonfuls of listerine to the amount of shampoo you use.

Dry Dandruff:
The scalp sometimes gets dry due to dry weather conditions or otherwise, and can lead to small, flaky dandruff close to the scalp. On brushing it falls on the clothes, neck and back.Once fornight, apply hot olive-oil and massage well into the scalp. After massaging, use a wet towel squeezed out of hot water to cover your hair and scalp with, and leave on for 15 minutes. If possible, leave the oil on overnight; otherwise just shampoo it off. The scalp needs nourishment,so make sure the oil reaches the scalp; so massage the scalp and not just the hair. Massaging stimulates the circulation and makes the lazy oil glands active, and therefore helps the skin of the scalp to remain lubricated and not get dry.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Shampoo your hair with a good brand of shampoo. You could mix the yoke of an egg in a little bit of dictionary shampoo in a cup and get a richer shampoo. This will soften the hair and provide a lot of nutrition to the scalp.
Every day, some hair are lost till new ones replace the old, which fall-off. However, one could be close to getting scanty hair, Which is quite an alarming condition to be in. so good growth is essential to balance the natural loss of hair.Vitamin B complex and Vitamin A and D are a great help keeping your hair in the proper condition desired. Godd hair is an Indication of good health.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hair and Hair-styling

There was a time when hairdressers were given same status as surgeons, and were known as barber-surgeons who could perform minor surgery like boils and warts. Soon, however, the hairdressing became just a skill, no medical knowledge was required; the field of surgery was left to the medical surgeons, as the concept of surgery, disinfecttants and medicines changed with advances in medical science.

Beauty and hair care need no introduction as such, because with women it is very much a part of grooming. Also this consciouness has been passed on through the ages.

Six thousands years ago, the Egyptians were using wigs on various occasions, and skin-care was being given a great deal of importance.

Thursday, August 20, 2009



1. For thin lips, use lighter shades.
2. For full lips, use darker shades.
3. For the day, use lighter shades.
4. For the night, use darker shades.
5. For complexions which are not fair, very light shades should be avoided completely.


1. Your lips should be clean and dry.
2. Draw an outline with a brush, and fill up. If for some reason you find this difficult, then
first fill up, leaving the outline clear, and then with the help of the brush make the outline neat and extend the lipstick to wherever you have chosen it to be.
3. Blend evenly.
4. Lustrous lipsticks should not be blotted, as this wouold lose half their lusture.
5. For added sheen use lip-gloss, which looks very attractive at night.
6. Always wipe off the old lipstick if you have to do running repairs to your make-up, and then apply the fresh coat. Otherwise, it will give a flaky finish toyour lips. Besides, the tiny flaky skins cling to your lipstick, will remain embedded in it, and you can never have a smooth finish if you use that lipstick again. If by mistake you find something on your lipstick, wipe it off with a tissue, but very gently.
7. Make use of your dark lipsticks by first applying the rejected dark shade, and then applying the white one, blending it evenly. You will be surprised to get wuch a lovely shade, and in an economical way.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Experience will tell you how your face suddenly brighten up the moment you wear lipstick. It completes your pretty picture. Considering the shade of your clothes, the correct selection of
lipstick colour is of utmost importance. Lipstick adds so much of cheer to your face, and everything looks well with you. In fact very rarely can one have a defective mouth which holds very ittle promise of improvement, even by the modern aids of bearty and cosmetics. Lipstick has to be used most carefully and neatly to get the best results. You cannot afford to use it in a casual manner. The outline should be neat and well-defined. Do not give anyone the feeling that you have dressed in a hurry, or that you do not know how to apply lipstick, or even that you could not careless, it is just a formality you have to fulfill. Always work with patience when applying it on. You need a very good brush, and a few lipsticks covering the basic colours, like soft reds, pinks, purplish pinks, hues of orange, and of course, a white lipstick.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Home Facial - Contd..

In case You have had a very busy and tiring day, and you have an important date in the evening, you can look your best waith a quick facial, as described below:

1. Clean your face with cleansing cream.

2.Wipe off with a towel soaked and rinsed in hot water.

3. Dab-dry your face.

4. Apply your face pack for two minutes. Do not forget to cover your eyes with cotton-wool soaked in rise water.

5. Wash-off your directed above, then splash ice-cold water on your face. Use skin tonic,moisturizer and make-up.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Home Facial

Here are a few guideliness for a home facial, if you have no time for a professional one, or if the facilities for one do not exist. A facial before an important engagement gives an extra freshness and glow to the face. But a regular facial once a fornight is a good habit, which will ensure a youthful and fresh skin for a long time.


1. Wear a low-necked garment.
2. Tie your hair from the face and the neck.
3. Start with cleaning your face and neck with cleaning milk and wipe off, first with a facial tissue and then with a wet towel.
4. Apply the massage cream in dots all over the face and blend it nicely.
5.Massage your face and neck.
6. keep bits of cotton-wool soaked in rose water over your eyes while the pack is trying.
7. Now wash your face with cold water.
8. Gently wash off the face pack from your face with water, keeping your eyes closed.
9.Dry your face and pat in a bit of skin tonic. It is desirable that no make-up or cream be applied on the face for four hours after the facial. This is allow the skin to breath freely.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Face Massage

It is very essential to know the correct methods and procedures of massaging your face, as wrong movements can do more harm than good. You could stretch your skin and loosen your facial muscles by massaging too much. To begin with, you should massage before a mirror, and not just while walking around the house and singing away. Unknowing, you might sometimes stretch your skin by massaging your face too hard, or by pushing and pressing your face in some direction or the other. So use your mirror, which will tell you if any such thing is happening.

It is needless to point out that the massage should be done on a clean skin, and of course your hands should also be scrupulously clean. Take a bit of the cream and spread it gently all over face-and do not forget your neck. Consider your neck as very much a part of your face, and not a part of your body only.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

PERFECT MAKE-UP - Contd(2)...


This can be bold, and you can be a little more adventurous. Use a tinted foundation for a dry skin, and a pancake for an oily skin. Cream rouge is a better choice, as it spreads on nicely, without stretching the skin. Do not leave a line of demarcation. Blush-on is the best rouge. Make the correct choice of colour. For a frosted eye-shadow, keeping in mind the shade of clothes you are ging to wear. Use very little of it, starting from the middle ofyour upper lid and finishing under the brow end. Use one eyeliner to draw a complete line over the upper lid, keeping as close as possible to the eyelashes and taking it out and above. Always keep your eye-brows tidy by tweezing the stray hair which make the natural line untidy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009



For the day, always select a darker shade of powder foundation, than is your true colour. Use an invisible foundation during the day. At night, you can easily wear a shade lighter than your complexion. The sequence of make-up too is as important as the selection of the correct colour.


This should be natural and light. Select a good moisturizer. Tab and blend it evenly all over your face and neck, and dab on a bit of compact powder. A little line drawn with a black eyebrow pencil or liquid eyeliner from the inner corner of your, keeping in line with the curve of the lower eyelid and going up gradually, would be enough for the day. Shade your eyebrows also after brushing them in place. Apply a little mascaraon the eyelashes and finish off by applying
lipstick and a mellow coloured eye-shadow, if you must. Just of touch of rouge is enough , or a
blush-on could be used.

Friday, July 10, 2009


It is better to understand the correct meaning of make-up. Some women take it simply as an application of powder, rouge and lipstick. And sme others are given to a theatrical use of cosmetics. Neither attitude is correct. Make-up means the enhancement of natural beauty by the use of cosmetics, in perfect harmony to the individual complexion. Colour harmony is the secret of perfect make-up. You can accentuate your good features and play down the not-so-good ones with aid of make-up.

More often than not, one is inclined to buy cosmetics because of their attractive presentation or perfume, without really considering the colour that would harmonize with a particular complexion. Often, the colour of lipstick, rouge, eye-shadow, and accessories like bag, shoes, jewellery and dress are not taken into consideration. to make the perfect picture of a well- groomed person one has to be thoughtful in selecting the colour of one's cosmetics.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Dry Skin: These need a good nourishing cream which is non-drying, as well as a rich vitamin night cream, to nourish the skin and replenish the grease that is lost during the day and in the course of washing and cleaning. They would also need a skintonic to tone up the skin and keep it looking healthy and fresh.

Oily Skin: These are a problem to keep clean, so one should go in for a very good liquid cleaner, which is not greasy. To nourish the skin use a light cream, for heavy creams will give rise to pimples. A good astringent cream will help the skin to remain less oily, and keep the pores clean. Also use a good face pack once a week to keep the skin looking clean and free of pimples. A light moisturizer for use during the day is also a must.

Older Skins: For these skins, use a night cream that is also a hormone cream. Treat it as a dry skin and select the cosmetics accordingly.

Younger Skins: To treat these skins, follow the prescribed for greasy skins and use the same preparations.

Skin with Pimples: Wash this skin with tepid water twice a day, and rub ice all over the face, and three or four times a day over the area where you have pimples. Dab a little listerine diluted with rose water on the pimples. Do not Use any greasy cream.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Skin Care

Basic Skin Care

You cannot develop a good skin overnight. You have to consistently work for it with the right routine and the right products. If you have a good skin it is essential to preserve it with regular care. Years of carelessness cannot be compensated by going in for an expensive range of products, or by caring for it over much . The best results are obtained by regularity, and a progess is slow.
The best care for your skin is to cleanse it properly. Use a good cleaning milk and wash it off with water or properly, as the case may be. Then use a good night cream to massage your face. Always massage the face in upward and sideways strokes, and the area around the eyes in circular, outside-inside movements. Then tap the skin under the a little to prevent puffiness and lines. Wipe off excess cream with a tissue, and leave a bit of it around the eyes. You should never sleep with the cream on at night, but let your skin breathe. Moreover, the skin will absorb all the cream it can in the first ten minutes, and leaving it on for more time is just a false consolation.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Oily Skin: This skin is always oily especially on getting up in the mornig , and all through te day has a tendency towards open pores. Blackheads, spot and pimples appear fast if you neglect if. However, this skin lasts longer, and looks young only if looked after.

Dry Skin: This skin seems dry after washing, and can have small lines, specially around the mouth; small pores on the nose are normal, and no pores are visible on the cheeks. But it needs protection all through the day. Dry skins are very fragile and, if neglected, can lead to premature lines and wrinkles.

Combination Skin: This is conspicuous by an oily panel down the face, covering the centre of the forehead and nose down to the chin, and is dry on the sides of the face. This is a very common type of skin, and if cared for accordingly, has a good chance of lasting longer.

Friday, June 19, 2009


A lot of research and all-round effort has gone into formulating various cosmetics from organic and inorganic chemicals and extracts, for maximum benefits to the skin. The most important aspect of these beatuty preparations to skin preservation. The cosmetics industry as well as beauty therapists are,concentrating a lot of time on improving skin-care preparations . No wonder there are ever so many products in the market, in response to the never ending demand for effective skin cosmetics.

Before deciding what to do for your skin you must analyse your skin type, as skin care is different for different skin types. Basically , there are three types of skins: Oily,Dry and Combination skins.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Skin Care Introduction

Let me start with that old aphorism: " Beauty is skin deep" Used originally to distinquish the physical and Spiritual, it has been mouthed , over the ages, all those who envy beauty. Beauty is not and can never be merely skin deep,for no amount of cosmetics or make-up can hide the pallor of an unhealthy disposition. The basic elements of beauty lie not on the surface, but inside, and a primarily happy frame of mind in a healthy body, is the only requirement for that "glow"and "sparkle" so much a part of beauty.